I used to have a Google AdSense "ad" here but the AdSense people at Google kept sending out homosexual oriented garbage so I deleted it. The jerks."

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Mr. Ghostship - Wrong!

Mr. Ghostship... not that I want to be, but now that some time has elapsed, I was right after all, wasn't I? The current account is where I was worried it would be. The decline of the US dollar is where I thought it would be. The position of the M3 is where I was concerned it would be and tried to draw attention to. The housing bubble has ended up where I was worried it would be. The derivatives issues are the concern I said they would be. The unraveling of the Yen carry trade has started as I was worried it would be. Even Mr. Greenspan reluctantly states the same to some degree. And yet... all of this you angrily proclaimed as bunk over a year ago.

You are a smart person and mostly right on the target with the things you write about - but in this instance I think you were acting as the 'necessary cheerleader', and of course, 100% wrong. I will accept an apology any time.



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