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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Delphi Automotive Moves Production 100% Offshore

As you now know from even more recent news... Delphi Automotive is intending to move ALL production offshore while maintaining about 9000 management people here in the US - and very shortly. My opinion: Ford and GM will (HAVE TO) follow shortly since they want their assembly plants near Delphi's parts making. This then also puts the crimp on any sub assembly companies that service Delphi, Ford, GM, etc... The ripple effects will be enormous over time.

When we have 1) Management that gives itself million dollar raises, 2) Laborers that demand $90,000 a year plus the most outrageous health care and retirement packages in the universe... while foreign labor is paid 2 dollars an hour? You tell me there's no war on the Middle-Class!

Corporate greed is killing America. Union greed is killing America. And did you think there could be any other outcome?

Watch this video from CNN: Click HERE


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