I used to have a Google AdSense "ad" here but the AdSense people at Google kept sending out homosexual oriented garbage so I deleted it. The jerks."
Greenspam finally admits... with a subdued voice... that we have an issue...
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Fire Sale - USA
The Main Stream Media (MSM) and Wall Street have both missed the importance of the attempted sale of Alcoa to concerns outside the United States. Chalk this up in the same category as the sale of our ports, the sale of our turnpikes, and the sale of our land to concerns outside this country. We're literally selling everything we have... to buy our groceries and pay our bills.
We've been selling our innovation, or manufacturing capabilities and plants, our property, our money, our jobs, our resources, and even our infrastructure to offshore concerns. Bottom line: we need the money. We're worse than a heroin-addict trying to scrounge up the money for our next fix. We've over extended ourselves, we're deep in debt (personally, federally, and in our corporations), and we're selling everything we have for that next fix of money so that we can continue to spend spend spend.
To compound the problem, we're doing NOTHING, NADA, ZIP, to prepare our future (our children and young adults) to compete with the rest of the world. "American Idol" is THE important media event. Science and Engineering is school is just too hard... selling drugs brings in money much faster. Well folks... we're toast. TOAST.
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Masco Corporation suffers rare losses
Noteworthy news from Masco Corporation (they are the parent company of Delta faucets and Behr paints)! They are reporting "rare" 4th quarter losses. Their response is to trim their workforce by 16% by the end of March 2007. This amounts to over 8000 jobs.
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Personal Savings Drop to 74-Yr. Low
People once again spent everything they made and then some last year, pushing the personal savings rate to the lowest level since the Great Depression more than seven decades ago.
The Commerce Department reported Thursday that the savings rate for all of 2006 was a negative 1 percent, meaning that not only did people spend all the money they earned but they also dipped into savings or increased borrowing to finance purchases. The 2006 figure was lower than a negative 0.4 percent in 2005 and was the poorest showing since a negative 1.5 percent savings rate in 1933 during the Great Depression.
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