I used to have a Google AdSense "ad" here but the AdSense people at Google kept sending out homosexual oriented garbage so I deleted it. The jerks."

Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Cookie Jar is Empty

Every day we are bombarded with advertisements and ads speaking to our inner child. We, as consumers, are so conditioned to buy that fancier car or bigger house because the auto dealerships and bankers are offering financing terms that have made it so easy. The loans being offered today are so flexible and, at first glance, appear affordable because they're interest-free, 40-year, no money down/no payment due, piggyback, adjustable-rate, etc. The former Federal Reserve Chairman even encouraged "really sophisticated" consumers to take out ARM mortgages and extract equity from their homes. As a result, consumers have been lured into debt big time with these loans.

Click HERE for the FULL Story


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