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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

US Dollar - downgrades and disorder

"Anyone who cannot detect rumblings with more magnitude than early volcanic tremors is brain dead, plain and simple. For a full year, the USDollar enjoyed a sizeable counter-trend bounce. It relieved the long-term oversold condition. In usual times, in typical markets, such a period of time would offer the fundamentals an opportunity to catch up, for the remedy to work its medicine, for the condition to heal itself. In the case of the USDollar, the trade deficit worsened. The Jan2005 trade deficit was a grandiose $58.3 billion, pretty doggone rotten. By Jan2006, a full twelve months for the "fix" to take hold, to work through the system, the trade deficit had ballooned to a shocking, yawning $68.6 billion, as nothing but more metastasis flowed their the body economic."

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